Bronchitis occurs commonly due contact of parasitic organisms. There are
two types of an acute bronchitis.
Acute bronchitis

People suffering from acute bronchitis become the victims of productive
cough with plenty of mucus secretion, low grade fever, breathlessness, hacking,
having contracted sensation around the eye area, tightness in chest. The
symptoms of acute bronchitis are similar to the common cold. Some of the people
take this disorder as common cold, but this is something more dangerous than the
common cold.
Who gets affected by Acute
Acute Bronchitis causing virus may cause infection in general people,
tobacco smoker’s, old people, children, people having weak pulmonary system,
infants and the people living near polluted areas. If an infected person will
not get rid of the acute bronchitis this will then result in chronic bronchitis,
which is more dangerous than the simple bronchitis. This disorder may occur in
any season, but there is a high risk in winter season.
Causes of Acute Bronchitis:
As I mentioned before that, the same virus is responsible for bronchitis
and as well as cold. By continuous exposure to irritants can cause inflammation
of the bronchial tubes. Smoke, dangerous chemical fumes and dust can cause
significant damage to the bronchial tubes.
How does Acute Bronchitis
People suffering from acute bronchitis may face difficulty in breathing
this is because the contraction of the bronchial tubes is caused by an
inflammation. By showing careless attitude towards this disordering may cause
damage to the bronchi and the tissues surrounding it.
Acute bronchitis are charted by flu or cold. It can transfer from person
to person through the infectious particles discharged by sneezing and coughing.
People do not take care while coughing, they do not cover their mouth, which affect
the people around them. Sometimes it happens, blood occurs with the mucus
secretion, this condition is truly very dangerous and required the full
attention of yours.

I also have a family experience of acute bronchitis, my uncle suffered
from acute bronchitis. At the very start he had a normal cough and sometimes he
suffered cold as well, but he did not pay attention to it and take it leniently,
but with the passage of time this disorder increases day by day. He cannot
sleep for the whole night. His life becomes restless. He wondered a lot but got
nothing except disappointment. He was very desperate because after taking many
antibiotics he didn't recover. A Hulda Clark Zapper by
ParaZapper™ may kill millions of parasitic nature,
organisms in few minutes from water based environment.
ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
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